"Nocturnal Animals"
Most Australian Rainforest Wildlife are Nocturnal animals.
After dark at Chambers Wildlife Rainforest Lodge the Red-legged Pademelons (Rainforest
Kangaroos), Long Nosed Bandicoots and Northern Brown Bandicoots emerge from the
forest into the floodlit clearings in front of the lodges.
The charming, little Sugar Gliders and powerfull White Tailed Uromys turn
up to eat the breadcrumbs and honey spread along the verandah railings each evening. 
There are Herbert River Ringtail Possums, Striped Possums and
Northern Coppery Brushtail Possums in the surrounding rainforest
but you must go spotlighting for them because they won't come down onto the railings to
Other rainforest wildlife which are less reliable sightings include camouflage
patterned Rainforest Amethyst Pythons, Rainforest Dingoes, Cassowaries and Echidnas
(spiney ant eaters). 
Musk-Rat-kangaroos are regular sightings during daylight hours
under the fruit trees or along the rainforest pathways.
Platypus can be seen early morning and late afternoon in the creek at the bottom
of The Chambers rainforest clearing.
Spotlighting equipment is available for the guests to view any Australian Nocturnal
Rainforest Animals that don't visit the lodge railings.
Your host, John Chambers, has excellent suggestions on which areas of the rainforest
you can go spotlighting for nocturnal wildlife such as Lumholtz Tree Climbing Kangaroos,
Lemuroid Possums, Ringtail Possumsand Green Possums.
Whether you're seeking an active Australian Wildlife Eco adventure holiday or a
private, solitary, rainforest retreat Chambers Wildlife Rainforest Lodge at Lake Eacham in
The Waterfalls & Crater Lakes District of the Atherton Tablelands near Cairns and the
Great Barrier Reef, is an idyllic destination, but DO allow at least three days,
preferably a week or more, to do it justice.